Thank You
Thank you to the following organizations for their continued support of our research and this Data Dashboard, which is part of Project STIR (Sparking Transformation using Information & Research).
City of Carbondale, PA
Demographics | City of Carbondale, PA | Pennsylvania |
Population (ACS) | 8,438 | 12,794,885 |
Male | 4,009 | 6,269,142 |
Female | 4,429 | 6,525,743 |
Median Age2 | 44.2 | 40.9 |
Under 18 Years | 1,625 | 2,649,582 |
18 to 24 Years | 464 | 1,155,305 |
25 to 34 Years | 1,294 | 1,693,816 |
35 to 44 Years | 904 | 1,502,764 |
45 to 54 Years | 903 | 1,651,599 |
55 to 64 Years | 1,246 | 1,806,715 |
65 to 74 Years | 1,062 | 1,317,854 |
75 Years, and Over | 940 | 1,017,250 |
Race: White | 7,752 | 10,155,004 |
Race: Black or African American | 45 | 1,419,582 |
Race: American Indian and Alaska Native | 10 | 20,798 |
Race: Asian | 188 | 449,320 |
Race: Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander | 24 | 4,268 |
Race: Some Other Race | 69 | 312,888 |
Race: Two or More Races | 350 | 433,025 |
Hispanic or Latino (of any race) | 557 | 971,813 |
Foreign Born | 248 | 896,853 |
Speak English Less Than Very Well (population 5 yrs and over) | 195 | 529,640 |
Economic | ||
Labor Force Participation Rate and Size (civilian population 16 years and over) | 3,667 | 6,558,087 |
Prime-Age Labor Force Participation Rate and Size (civilian population 25-54) | 2,267 | 4,042,643 |
Armed Forces Labor Force | 0 | 8,039 |
Veterans, Age 18-64 | 230 | 317,418 |
Veterans Labor Force Participation Rate and Size, Age 18-64 | 154 | 245,898 |
Median Household Income2 | $42,618 | $63,627 |
Per Capita Income | $26,378 | $35,518 |
Mean Commute Time (minutes) | 21.6 | 27.1 |
Commute via Public Transportion | 3 | 315,578 |
Educational Attainment, Age 25-64 | ||
No High School Diploma | 486 | 505,693 |
High School Graduate | 1,461 | 2,088,636 |
Some College, No Degree | 1,019 | 1,089,237 |
Associate's Degree | 432 | 640,510 |
Bachelor's Degree | 694 | 1,446,467 |
Postgraduate Degree | 255 | 884,351 |
Housing | ||
Total Housing Units | 4,484 | 5,713,345 |
Median House Value (of owner-occupied units)2 | $97,500 | $187,500 |
Homeowner Vacancy | 13 | 48,852 |
Rental Vacancy | 88 | 86,625 |
Renter-Occupied Housing Units (% of Occupied Units) | 1,747 | 1,584,332 |
Occupied Housing Units with No Vehicle Available (% of Occupied Units) | 611 | 544,554 |
Social | ||
Poverty Level (of all people) | 2,027 | 1,480,430 |
Households Receiving Food Stamps/SNAP | 1,089 | 670,877 |
Disconnected Youth3 | 13 | 15,583 |
Children in Single Parent Families (% of all children) | 994 | 869,915 |
Uninsured | 408 | 705,891 |
With a Disability, Age 18-64 | 840 | 865,740 |
With a Disability, Age 18-64, Labor Force Participation Rate and Size | 317 | 377,074 |
1. American Community Survey 2016-2020, unless noted otherwise
2. Median values for certain aggregate regions (such as MSAs) may be estimated as the weighted averages of the median values from the composing counties.
3. Disconnected Youth are 16-19 year olds who are (1) not in school, (2) not high school graduates, and (3) either unemployed or not in the labor force.
4. Census Population Estimate for 2020, annual average growth rate since 2010.
Distribution of Employment by Industry | 2022 |
Health Care and Social Assistance | 626 |
Manufacturing | 534 |
Accommodation and Food Services | 292 |
Retail Trade | 291 |
Educational Services | 251 |
Other Services (except Public Administration) | 171 |
Construction | 84 |
Wholesale Trade | 72 |
Transportation and Warehousing | 68 |
Information | 66 |
Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 65 |
Public Administration | 55 |
Finance and Insurance | 36 |
Real Estate and Rental and Leasing | 18 |
Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation | 15 |
Utilities | 9 |
Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services | 4 |
Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting | 2 |
Management of Companies and Enterprises | 0 |
Total - All Industries | 2,660 |
Data as of 2022Q4
Note: Figures may not sum due to rounding.
1. All data based upon a four-quarter moving average
Exits and transfers are approximate estimates based upon occupation separation rates.
Employment data are derived from the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages, provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics and imputed where necessary. Data are updated through 2022Q3 with preliminary estimates updated to 2022Q4. Forecast employment growth uses national projections adapted for regional growth patterns.
Employment by Occupation | 2022 |
Production | 315 |
Food Preparation and Serving Related | 286 |
Office and Administrative Support | 280 |
Sales and Related | 216 |
Healthcare Practitioners and Technical | 201 |
Educational Instruction and Library | 199 |
Transportation and Material Moving | 187 |
Healthcare Support | 147 |
Management | 136 |
Community and Social Service | 113 |
Installation, Maintenance, and Repair | 111 |
Business and Financial Operations | 96 |
Construction and Extraction | 76 |
Personal Care and Service | 67 |
Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance | 53 |
Architecture and Engineering | 49 |
Computer and Mathematical | 42 |
Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media | 29 |
Protective Service | 27 |
Legal | 14 |
Life, Physical, and Social Science | 12 |
Farming, Fishing, and Forestry | 2 |
Total - All Occupations | 2,660 |
Data as of 2022Q4 unless noted otherwise
Note: Figures may not sum due to rounding.
1. Data based on a four-quarter moving average unless noted otherwise.
2. Wage data represent the average for all Covered Employment
Occupation employment data are estimated via industry employment data and the estimated industry/occupation mix. Industry employment data are derived from the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages, provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics and currently updated through 2022Q3, imputed where necessary with preliminary estimates updated to 2022Q4. Wages by occupation are as of 2022 provided by the BLS and imputed where necessary. Forecast employment growth uses national projections from the Bureau of Labor Statistics adapted for regional growth patterns.
City of Hazleton, PA
Demographics | City of Hazleton, PA | Pennsylvania |
Population (ACS) | 24,804 | 12,794,885 |
Male | 12,184 | 6,269,142 |
Female | 12,620 | 6,525,743 |
Median Age2 | 37.1 | 40.9 |
Under 18 Years | 6,033 | 2,649,582 |
18 to 24 Years | 2,395 | 1,155,305 |
25 to 34 Years | 3,290 | 1,693,816 |
35 to 44 Years | 3,181 | 1,502,764 |
45 to 54 Years | 3,276 | 1,651,599 |
55 to 64 Years | 2,825 | 1,806,715 |
65 to 74 Years | 1,578 | 1,317,854 |
75 Years, and Over | 2,226 | 1,017,250 |
Race: White | 17,021 | 10,155,004 |
Race: Black or African American | 1,629 | 1,419,582 |
Race: American Indian and Alaska Native | 49 | 20,798 |
Race: Asian | 122 | 449,320 |
Race: Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander | 59 | 4,268 |
Race: Some Other Race | 4,609 | 312,888 |
Race: Two or More Races | 1,315 | 433,025 |
Hispanic or Latino (of any race) | 14,196 | 971,813 |
Foreign Born | 8,234 | 896,853 |
Speak English Less Than Very Well (population 5 yrs and over) | 6,007 | 529,640 |
Economic | ||
Labor Force Participation Rate and Size (civilian population 16 years and over) | 12,467 | 6,558,087 |
Prime-Age Labor Force Participation Rate and Size (civilian population 25-54) | 7,924 | 4,042,643 |
Armed Forces Labor Force | 0 | 8,039 |
Veterans, Age 18-64 | 381 | 317,418 |
Veterans Labor Force Participation Rate and Size, Age 18-64 | 283 | 245,898 |
Median Household Income2 | $38,010 | $63,627 |
Per Capita Income | $20,614 | $35,518 |
Mean Commute Time (minutes) | 21.1 | 27.1 |
Commute via Public Transportion | 164 | 315,578 |
Educational Attainment, Age 25-64 | ||
No High School Diploma | 3,214 | 505,693 |
High School Graduate | 4,338 | 2,088,636 |
Some College, No Degree | 2,060 | 1,089,237 |
Associate's Degree | 1,324 | 640,510 |
Bachelor's Degree | 1,136 | 1,446,467 |
Postgraduate Degree | 500 | 884,351 |
Housing | ||
Total Housing Units | 11,162 | 5,713,345 |
Median House Value (of owner-occupied units)2 | $98,300 | $187,500 |
Homeowner Vacancy | 48 | 48,852 |
Rental Vacancy | 403 | 86,625 |
Renter-Occupied Housing Units (% of Occupied Units) | 5,134 | 1,584,332 |
Occupied Housing Units with No Vehicle Available (% of Occupied Units) | 1,794 | 544,554 |
Social | ||
Poverty Level (of all people) | 5,774 | 1,480,430 |
Households Receiving Food Stamps/SNAP | 3,013 | 670,877 |
Disconnected Youth3 | 97 | 15,583 |
Children in Single Parent Families (% of all children) | 3,385 | 869,915 |
Uninsured | 2,966 | 705,891 |
With a Disability, Age 18-64 | 2,561 | 865,740 |
With a Disability, Age 18-64, Labor Force Participation Rate and Size | 1,051 | 377,074 |
1. American Community Survey 2016-2020, unless noted otherwise
2. Median values for certain aggregate regions (such as MSAs) may be estimated as the weighted averages of the median values from the composing counties.
3. Disconnected Youth are 16-19 year olds who are (1) not in school, (2) not high school graduates, and (3) either unemployed or not in the labor force.
4. Census Population Estimate for 2020, annual average growth rate since 2010.
Distribution of Employment by Industry | 2022 |
Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services | 1,704 |
Health Care and Social Assistance | 1,690 |
Manufacturing | 943 |
Retail Trade | 792 |
Accommodation and Food Services | 325 |
Educational Services | 282 |
Other Services (except Public Administration) | 257 |
Construction | 256 |
Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 206 |
Transportation and Warehousing | 190 |
Public Administration | 187 |
Information | 136 |
Wholesale Trade | 123 |
Utilities | 117 |
Finance and Insurance | 97 |
Real Estate and Rental and Leasing | 76 |
Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation | 29 |
Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction | 7 |
Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting | 6 |
Management of Companies and Enterprises | 1 |
Total - All Industries | 7,425 |
Employment by Occupation | 2022 |
Transportation and Material Moving | 869 |
Office and Administrative Support | 845 |
Production | 806 |
Healthcare Practitioners and Technical | 658 |
Sales and Related | 609 |
Healthcare Support | 532 |
Food Preparation and Serving Related | 386 |
Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance | 314 |
Management | 313 |
Business and Financial Operations | 305 |
Construction and Extraction | 256 |
Educational Instruction and Library | 251 |
Protective Service | 247 |
Installation, Maintenance, and Repair | 246 |
Community and Social Service | 196 |
Personal Care and Service | 151 |
Computer and Mathematical | 150 |
Architecture and Engineering | 91 |
Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media | 84 |
Life, Physical, and Social Science | 54 |
Legal | 53 |
Farming, Fishing, and Forestry | 8 |
Total - All Occupations | 7,425 |
Data as of 2022Q4
Note: Figures may not sum due to rounding.
1. All data based upon a four-quarter moving average
Exits and transfers are approximate estimates based upon occupation separation rates.
Employment data are derived from the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages, provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics and imputed where necessary. Data are updated through 2022Q3 with preliminary estimates updated to 2022Q4. Forecast employment growth uses national projections adapted for regional growth patterns.
City of Nanticoke, PA
Demographics | City of Nanticoke, PA | Pennsylvania |
Population (ACS) | 10,296 | 12,794,885 |
Male | 5,265 | 6,269,142 |
Female | 5,031 | 6,525,743 |
Median Age2 | 43.0 | 40.9 |
Under 18 Years | 2,170 | 2,649,582 |
18 to 24 Years | 906 | 1,155,305 |
25 to 34 Years | 1,286 | 1,693,816 |
35 to 44 Years | 1,057 | 1,502,764 |
45 to 54 Years | 1,411 | 1,651,599 |
55 to 64 Years | 1,431 | 1,806,715 |
65 to 74 Years | 1,055 | 1,317,854 |
75 Years, and Over | 980 | 1,017,250 |
Race: White | 8,761 | 10,155,004 |
Race: Black or African American | 546 | 1,419,582 |
Race: American Indian and Alaska Native | 45 | 20,798 |
Race: Asian | 8 | 449,320 |
Race: Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander | 32 | 4,268 |
Race: Some Other Race | 460 | 312,888 |
Race: Two or More Races | 444 | 433,025 |
Hispanic or Latino (of any race) | 1,035 | 971,813 |
Foreign Born | 282 | 896,853 |
Speak English Less Than Very Well (population 5 yrs and over) | 162 | 529,640 |
Economic | ||
Labor Force Participation Rate and Size (civilian population 16 years and over) | 4,839 | 6,558,087 |
Prime-Age Labor Force Participation Rate and Size (civilian population 25-54) | 3,051 | 4,042,643 |
Armed Forces Labor Force | 0 | 8,039 |
Veterans, Age 18-64 | 415 | 317,418 |
Veterans Labor Force Participation Rate and Size, Age 18-64 | 342 | 245,898 |
Median Household Income2 | $45,310 | $63,627 |
Per Capita Income | $25,337 | $35,518 |
Mean Commute Time (minutes) | 23.0 | 27.1 |
Commute via Public Transportion | 49 | 315,578 |
Educational Attainment, Age 25-64 | ||
No High School Diploma | 698 | 505,693 |
High School Graduate | 2,031 | 2,088,636 |
Some College, No Degree | 880 | 1,089,237 |
Associate's Degree | 575 | 640,510 |
Bachelor's Degree | 781 | 1,446,467 |
Postgraduate Degree | 220 | 884,351 |
Housing | ||
Total Housing Units | 5,130 | 5,713,345 |
Median House Value (of owner-occupied units)2 | $80,700 | $187,500 |
Homeowner Vacancy | 112 | 48,852 |
Rental Vacancy | 83 | 86,625 |
Renter-Occupied Housing Units (% of Occupied Units) | 1,713 | 1,584,332 |
Occupied Housing Units with No Vehicle Available (% of Occupied Units) | 590 | 544,554 |
Social | ||
Poverty Level (of all people) | 1,990 | 1,480,430 |
Households Receiving Food Stamps/SNAP | 1,017 | 670,877 |
Disconnected Youth3 | 45 | 15,583 |
Children in Single Parent Families (% of all children) | 1,351 | 869,915 |
Uninsured | 486 | 705,891 |
With a Disability, Age 18-64 | 947 | 865,740 |
With a Disability, Age 18-64, Labor Force Participation Rate and Size | 419 | 377,074 |
1. American Community Survey 2016-2020, unless noted otherwise
2. Median values for certain aggregate regions (such as MSAs) may be estimated as the weighted averages of the median values from the composing counties.
3. Disconnected Youth are 16-19 year olds who are (1) not in school, (2) not high school graduates, and (3) either unemployed or not in the labor force.
4. Census Population Estimate for 2020, annual average growth rate since 2010.
Distribution of Employment by Industry | 2022 |
Educational Services | 704 |
Health Care and Social Assistance | 351 |
Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services | 285 |
Retail Trade | 204 |
Accommodation and Food Services | 165 |
Manufacturing | 130 |
Construction | 105 |
Other Services (except Public Administration) | 87 |
Public Administration | 74 |
Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 40 |
Transportation and Warehousing | 36 |
Finance and Insurance | 32 |
Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction | 29 |
Real Estate and Rental and Leasing | 23 |
Information | 7 |
Wholesale Trade | 4 |
Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation | 4 |
Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting | 2 |
Total - All Industries | 2,283 |
Employment by Occupation | 2022 |
Educational Instruction and Library | 475 |
Office and Administrative Support | 245 |
Food Preparation and Serving Related | 193 |
Transportation and Material Moving | 184 |
Healthcare Practitioners and Technical | 150 |
Production | 139 |
Sales and Related | 133 |
Construction and Extraction | 101 |
Management | 99 |
Healthcare Support | 89 |
Installation, Maintenance, and Repair | 83 |
Business and Financial Operations | 81 |
Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance | 67 |
Community and Social Service | 65 |
Personal Care and Service | 43 |
Protective Service | 42 |
Computer and Mathematical | 39 |
Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media | 20 |
Architecture and Engineering | 14 |
Life, Physical, and Social Science | 11 |
Legal | 8 |
Farming, Fishing, and Forestry | 1 |
Total - All Occupations | 2,283 |
Data as of 2022Q4
Note: Figures may not sum due to rounding.
1. All data based upon a four-quarter moving average
Exits and transfers are approximate estimates based upon occupation separation rates.
Employment data are derived from the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages, provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics and imputed where necessary. Data are updated through 2022Q3 with preliminary estimates updated to 2022Q4. Forecast employment growth uses national projections adapted for regional growth patterns.
City of Pittston, PA
Demographics | City of Pittston, PA | Pennsylvania |
Population (ACS) | 7,729 | 12,794,885 |
Male | 3,522 | 6,269,142 |
Female | 4,207 | 6,525,743 |
Median Age2 | 34.4 | 40.9 |
Under 18 Years | 1,634 | 2,649,582 |
18 to 24 Years | 727 | 1,155,305 |
25 to 34 Years | 1,578 | 1,693,816 |
35 to 44 Years | 608 | 1,502,764 |
45 to 54 Years | 710 | 1,651,599 |
55 to 64 Years | 1,152 | 1,806,715 |
65 to 74 Years | 754 | 1,317,854 |
75 Years, and Over | 566 | 1,017,250 |
Race: White | 6,695 | 10,155,004 |
Race: Black or African American | 474 | 1,419,582 |
Race: American Indian and Alaska Native | 25 | 20,798 |
Race: Asian | 39 | 449,320 |
Race: Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander | 0 | 4,268 |
Race: Some Other Race | 161 | 312,888 |
Race: Two or More Races | 335 | 433,025 |
Hispanic or Latino (of any race) | 638 | 971,813 |
Foreign Born | 275 | 896,853 |
Speak English Less Than Very Well (population 5 yrs and over) | 112 | 529,640 |
Economic | ||
Labor Force Participation Rate and Size (civilian population 16 years and over) | 3,917 | 6,558,087 |
Prime-Age Labor Force Participation Rate and Size (civilian population 25-54) | 2,459 | 4,042,643 |
Armed Forces Labor Force | 0 | 8,039 |
Veterans, Age 18-64 | 102 | 317,418 |
Veterans Labor Force Participation Rate and Size, Age 18-64 | 77 | 245,898 |
Median Household Income2 | $35,774 | $63,627 |
Per Capita Income | $23,497 | $35,518 |
Mean Commute Time (minutes) | 27.1 | 27.1 |
Commute via Public Transportion | 72 | 315,578 |
Educational Attainment, Age 25-64 | ||
No High School Diploma | 438 | 505,693 |
High School Graduate | 1,436 | 2,088,636 |
Some College, No Degree | 945 | 1,089,237 |
Associate's Degree | 492 | 640,510 |
Bachelor's Degree | 422 | 1,446,467 |
Postgraduate Degree | 315 | 884,351 |
Housing | ||
Total Housing Units | 3,905 | 5,713,345 |
Median House Value (of owner-occupied units)2 | $89,900 | $187,500 |
Homeowner Vacancy | 25 | 48,852 |
Rental Vacancy | 60 | 86,625 |
Renter-Occupied Housing Units (% of Occupied Units) | 1,862 | 1,584,332 |
Occupied Housing Units with No Vehicle Available (% of Occupied Units) | 768 | 544,554 |
Social | ||
Poverty Level (of all people) | 1,850 | 1,480,430 |
Households Receiving Food Stamps/SNAP | 874 | 670,877 |
Disconnected Youth3 | 23 | 15,583 |
Children in Single Parent Families (% of all children) | 1,144 | 869,915 |
Uninsured | 144 | 705,891 |
With a Disability, Age 18-64 | 792 | 865,740 |
With a Disability, Age 18-64, Labor Force Participation Rate and Size | 225 | 377,074 |
1. American Community Survey 2016-2020, unless noted otherwise
2. Median values for certain aggregate regions (such as MSAs) may be estimated as the weighted averages of the median values from the composing counties.
3. Disconnected Youth are 16-19 year olds who are (1) not in school, (2) not high school graduates, and (3) either unemployed or not in the labor force.
4. Census Population Estimate for 2020, annual average growth rate since 2010.
Distribution of Employment by Industry | 2022 |
Health Care and Social Assistance | 307 |
Other Services (except Public Administration) | 229 |
Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 228 |
Wholesale Trade | 177 |
Accommodation and Food Services | 155 |
Retail Trade | 152 |
Educational Services | 92 |
Public Administration | 92 |
Finance and Insurance | 81 |
Construction | 77 |
Transportation and Warehousing | 48 |
Real Estate and Rental and Leasing | 36 |
Information | 13 |
Manufacturing | 12 |
Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation | 10 |
Utilities | 8 |
Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services | 4 |
Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting | 2 |
Total - All Industries | 1,722 |
Employment by Occupation | 2022 |
Office and Administrative Support | 216 |
Sales and Related | 164 |
Transportation and Material Moving | 150 |
Food Preparation and Serving Related | 140 |
Healthcare Practitioners and Technical | 127 |
Healthcare Support | 105 |
Management | 101 |
Business and Financial Operations | 101 |
Personal Care and Service | 91 |
Installation, Maintenance, and Repair | 89 |
Computer and Mathematical | 84 |
Educational Instruction and Library | 73 |
Construction and Extraction | 60 |
Protective Service | 36 |
Architecture and Engineering | 35 |
Production | 32 |
Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance | 29 |
Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media | 27 |
Community and Social Service | 26 |
Legal | 22 |
Life, Physical, and Social Science | 13 |
Farming, Fishing, and Forestry | 2 |
Total - All Occupations | 1,722 |
Data as of 2022Q4
Note: Figures may not sum due to rounding.
1. All data based upon a four-quarter moving average
Exits and transfers are approximate estimates based upon occupation separation rates.
Employment data are derived from the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages, provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics and imputed where necessary. Data are updated through 2022Q3 with preliminary estimates updated to 2022Q4. Forecast employment growth uses national projections adapted for regional growth patterns.
City of Scranton, PA
Demographics | City of Scranton, PA | Pennsylvania |
Population (ACS) | 76,997 | 12,794,885 |
Male | 38,486 | 6,269,142 |
Female | 38,511 | 6,525,743 |
Median Age2 | 37.3 | 40.9 |
Under 18 Years | 16,169 | 2,649,582 |
18 to 24 Years | 10,069 | 1,155,305 |
25 to 34 Years | 10,121 | 1,693,816 |
35 to 44 Years | 8,608 | 1,502,764 |
45 to 54 Years | 9,074 | 1,651,599 |
55 to 64 Years | 9,647 | 1,806,715 |
65 to 74 Years | 7,454 | 1,317,854 |
75 Years, and Over | 5,855 | 1,017,250 |
Race: White | 62,190 | 10,155,004 |
Race: Black or African American | 4,398 | 1,419,582 |
Race: American Indian and Alaska Native | 63 | 20,798 |
Race: Asian | 3,906 | 449,320 |
Race: Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander | 76 | 4,268 |
Race: Some Other Race | 1,615 | 312,888 |
Race: Two or More Races | 4,749 | 433,025 |
Hispanic or Latino (of any race) | 11,622 | 971,813 |
Foreign Born | 7,665 | 896,853 |
Speak English Less Than Very Well (population 5 yrs and over) | 6,076 | 529,640 |
Economic | ||
Labor Force Participation Rate and Size (civilian population 16 years and over) | 35,706 | 6,558,087 |
Prime-Age Labor Force Participation Rate and Size (civilian population 25-54) | 21,203 | 4,042,643 |
Armed Forces Labor Force | 6 | 8,039 |
Veterans, Age 18-64 | 1,876 | 317,418 |
Veterans Labor Force Participation Rate and Size, Age 18-64 | 1,426 | 245,898 |
Median Household Income2 | $41,687 | $63,627 |
Per Capita Income | $23,951 | $35,518 |
Mean Commute Time (minutes) | 20.0 | 27.1 |
Commute via Public Transportion | 584 | 315,578 |
Educational Attainment, Age 25-64 | ||
No High School Diploma | 4,316 | 505,693 |
High School Graduate | 13,790 | 2,088,636 |
Some College, No Degree | 6,599 | 1,089,237 |
Associate's Degree | 3,407 | 640,510 |
Bachelor's Degree | 6,170 | 1,446,467 |
Postgraduate Degree | 3,168 | 884,351 |
Housing | ||
Total Housing Units | 36,669 | 5,713,345 |
Median House Value (of owner-occupied units)2 | $106,700 | $187,500 |
Homeowner Vacancy | 229 | 48,852 |
Rental Vacancy | 873 | 86,625 |
Renter-Occupied Housing Units (% of Occupied Units) | 16,253 | 1,584,332 |
Occupied Housing Units with No Vehicle Available (% of Occupied Units) | 4,757 | 544,554 |
Social | ||
Poverty Level (of all people) | 15,656 | 1,480,430 |
Households Receiving Food Stamps/SNAP | 7,819 | 670,877 |
Disconnected Youth3 | 268 | 15,583 |
Children in Single Parent Families (% of all children) | 6,532 | 869,915 |
Uninsured | 4,373 | 705,891 |
With a Disability, Age 18-64 | 7,293 | 865,740 |
With a Disability, Age 18-64, Labor Force Participation Rate and Size | 2,707 | 377,074 |
1. American Community Survey 2016-2020, unless noted otherwise
2. Median values for certain aggregate regions (such as MSAs) may be estimated as the weighted averages of the median values from the composing counties.
3. Disconnected Youth are 16-19 year olds who are (1) not in school, (2) not high school graduates, and (3) either unemployed or not in the labor force.
4. Census Population Estimate for 2020, annual average growth rate since 2010.
Distribution of Employment by Industry | 2022 |
Health Care and Social Assistance | 12,238 |
Educational Services | 4,672 |
Retail Trade | 3,287 |
Manufacturing | 2,873 |
Accommodation and Food Services | 2,653 |
Public Administration | 2,198 |
Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services | 1,629 |
Other Services (except Public Administration) | 1,579 |
Finance and Insurance | 1,529 |
Wholesale Trade | 1,412 |
Transportation and Warehousing | 1,400 |
Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 1,242 |
Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation | 786 |
Construction | 683 |
Information | 541 |
Real Estate and Rental and Leasing | 345 |
Management of Companies and Enterprises | 255 |
Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting | 142 |
Utilities | 3 |
Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction | 0 |
Total - All Industries | 39,466 |
Employment by Occupation | 2022 |
Office and Administrative Support | 5,023 |
Healthcare Practitioners and Technical | 4,245 |
Healthcare Support | 3,947 |
Educational Instruction and Library | 2,949 |
Transportation and Material Moving | 2,934 |
Food Preparation and Serving Related | 2,886 |
Sales and Related | 2,796 |
Management | 2,045 |
Production | 1,988 |
Business and Financial Operations | 1,847 |
Community and Social Service | 1,310 |
Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance | 1,161 |
Installation, Maintenance, and Repair | 1,159 |
Personal Care and Service | 1,022 |
Protective Service | 901 |
Construction and Extraction | 749 |
Computer and Mathematical | 741 |
Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media | 657 |
Legal | 405 |
Architecture and Engineering | 305 |
Life, Physical, and Social Science | 305 |
Farming, Fishing, and Forestry | 91 |
Total - All Occupations | 39,466 |
Data as of 2022Q4
Note: Figures may not sum due to rounding.
1. All data based upon a four-quarter moving average
Exits and transfers are approximate estimates based upon occupation separation rates.
Employment data are derived from the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages, provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics and imputed where necessary. Data are updated through 2022Q3 with preliminary estimates updated to 2022Q4. Forecast employment growth uses national projections adapted for regional growth patterns.
City of Wilkes-Barre, PA
Demographics | City of Wilkes-Barre, PA | Pennsylvania |
Population (ACS) | 40,805 | 12,794,885 |
Male | 20,098 | 6,269,142 |
Female | 20,707 | 6,525,743 |
Median Age2 | 34.1 | 40.9 |
Under 18 Years | 9,330 | 2,649,582 |
18 to 24 Years | 5,474 | 1,155,305 |
25 to 34 Years | 6,089 | 1,693,816 |
35 to 44 Years | 5,131 | 1,502,764 |
45 to 54 Years | 4,154 | 1,651,599 |
55 to 64 Years | 4,426 | 1,806,715 |
65 to 74 Years | 3,214 | 1,317,854 |
75 Years, and Over | 2,987 | 1,017,250 |
Race: White | 26,680 | 10,155,004 |
Race: Black or African American | 5,575 | 1,419,582 |
Race: American Indian and Alaska Native | 124 | 20,798 |
Race: Asian | 1,127 | 449,320 |
Race: Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander | 71 | 4,268 |
Race: Some Other Race | 4,503 | 312,888 |
Race: Two or More Races | 2,725 | 433,025 |
Hispanic or Latino (of any race) | 10,845 | 971,813 |
Foreign Born | 5,248 | 896,853 |
Speak English Less Than Very Well (population 5 yrs and over) | 4,021 | 529,640 |
Economic | ||
Labor Force Participation Rate and Size (civilian population 16 years and over) | 18,842 | 6,558,087 |
Prime-Age Labor Force Participation Rate and Size (civilian population 25-54) | 11,658 | 4,042,643 |
Armed Forces Labor Force | 11 | 8,039 |
Veterans, Age 18-64 | 867 | 317,418 |
Veterans Labor Force Participation Rate and Size, Age 18-64 | 642 | 245,898 |
Median Household Income2 | $40,505 | $63,627 |
Per Capita Income | $20,785 | $35,518 |
Mean Commute Time (minutes) | 19.1 | 27.1 |
Commute via Public Transportion | 521 | 315,578 |
Educational Attainment, Age 25-64 | ||
No High School Diploma | 2,802 | 505,693 |
High School Graduate | 7,624 | 2,088,636 |
Some College, No Degree | 3,472 | 1,089,237 |
Associate's Degree | 2,096 | 640,510 |
Bachelor's Degree | 2,557 | 1,446,467 |
Postgraduate Degree | 1,249 | 884,351 |
Housing | ||
Total Housing Units | 19,321 | 5,713,345 |
Median House Value (of owner-occupied units)2 | $78,000 | $187,500 |
Homeowner Vacancy | 262 | 48,852 |
Rental Vacancy | 433 | 86,625 |
Renter-Occupied Housing Units (% of Occupied Units) | 7,967 | 1,584,332 |
Occupied Housing Units with No Vehicle Available (% of Occupied Units) | 3,087 | 544,554 |
Social | ||
Poverty Level (of all people) | 8,793 | 1,480,430 |
Households Receiving Food Stamps/SNAP | 4,509 | 670,877 |
Disconnected Youth3 | 214 | 15,583 |
Children in Single Parent Families (% of all children) | 5,166 | 869,915 |
Uninsured | 3,014 | 705,891 |
With a Disability, Age 18-64 | 3,373 | 865,740 |
With a Disability, Age 18-64, Labor Force Participation Rate and Size | 1,332 | 377,074 |
1. American Community Survey 2016-2020, unless noted otherwise
2. Median values for certain aggregate regions (such as MSAs) may be estimated as the weighted averages of the median values from the composing counties.
3. Disconnected Youth are 16-19 year olds who are (1) not in school, (2) not high school graduates, and (3) either unemployed or not in the labor force.
4. Census Population Estimate for 2020, annual average growth rate since 2010.
Distribution of Employment by Industry | 2022 |
Health Care and Social Assistance | 5,333 |
Educational Services | 2,352 |
Retail Trade | 2,185 |
Public Administration | 2,095 |
Information | 1,490 |
Accommodation and Food Services | 1,364 |
Manufacturing | 1,356 |
Finance and Insurance | 1,312 |
Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services | 1,008 |
Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 902 |
Construction | 851 |
Other Services (except Public Administration) | 763 |
Management of Companies and Enterprises | 502 |
Wholesale Trade | 439 |
Transportation and Warehousing | 434 |
Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation | 347 |
Real Estate and Rental and Leasing | 317 |
Utilities | 245 |
Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction | 19 |
Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting | 17 |
Total - All Industries | 23,333 |
Employment by Occupation | 2022 |
Office and Administrative Support | 3,162 |
Healthcare Practitioners and Technical | 2,314 |
Sales and Related | 1,887 |
Business and Financial Operations | 1,588 |
Educational Instruction and Library | 1,477 |
Management | 1,413 |
Healthcare Support | 1,362 |
Food Preparation and Serving Related | 1,350 |
Transportation and Material Moving | 1,349 |
Computer and Mathematical | 1,115 |
Production | 990 |
Protective Service | 942 |
Construction and Extraction | 780 |
Installation, Maintenance, and Repair | 775 |
Community and Social Service | 659 |
Personal Care and Service | 553 |
Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance | 532 |
Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media | 399 |
Architecture and Engineering | 272 |
Legal | 213 |
Life, Physical, and Social Science | 182 |
Farming, Fishing, and Forestry | 19 |
Total - All Occupations | 23,333 |
Data as of 2022Q4
Note: Figures may not sum due to rounding.
1. All data based upon a four-quarter moving average
Exits and transfers are approximate estimates based upon occupation separation rates.
Employment data are derived from the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages, provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics and imputed where necessary. Data are updated through 2022Q3 with preliminary estimates updated to 2022Q4. Forecast employment growth uses national projections adapted for regional growth patterns.